Source code for schnell.mapping

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from .correlation import (

[docs]class MapCalculator(object): """ Map calculators compute map-level quantities for a given network of detectors. Args: det_array: list of `Detector` objects. f_pivot: pivot frequency in Hz (default: 63 Hz) spectral_index: power-law spectral index. This should correspond to the index in units of Omega_GW, not intensity. corr_matrix: noise correlation matrix for the array. If `None` the identity is assumed. If a constant, this will be assumed to be the correlation coefficient between pairs of different detectors. If a 2D array, it will be the frequency-independent correlation matrix. Otherwise, pass a :class:`~schnell.NoiseCorrelationBase` object. h: value of the Hubble constant in units of 100 km/s/Mpc (default: 0.67). """ clight = 299792458. def __init__(self, det_array, f_pivot=63., spectral_index=2./3., corr_matrix=None, h=0.67): self.dets = det_array self.ndet = len(det_array) self.f_pivot = f_pivot self.rcond = 1E-10 self.specin_omega = spectral_index - 3 self.h = h if not isinstance(corr_matrix, NoiseCorrelationBase): if corr_matrix is None: self.rho = NoiseCorrelationConstantIdentity(self.ndet) elif np.ndim(corr_matrix) == 0: self.rho = NoiseCorrelationConstantR(self.ndet, corr_matrix) elif np.ndim(corr_matrix) == 2: self.rho = NoiseCorrelationConstant(corr_matrix) else: raise ValueError("`corr_matrix` must be `None`, a number, " " a 2D array or a `NoiseCorrelationBase` " " object.") else: self.rho = corr_matrix if self.rho.ndet != self.rho.ndet: raise ValueError("Your correlation matrix has the wrong " "dimensions.") # H0 in km/s/Mpc in Hz H0 = self.h * 3.24077929E-18 # 2 pi^2 f^3 / 3 H0^2 # Normalization for I->Omega translation self.norm_pivot = 4 * np.pi**2 * self.f_pivot**3 / (3 * H0**2) def _get_iS_f(self, f, pmat): # Get S matrix: # [n_f, n_det] S_f_diag = np.array([d.psd(f) for d in self.dets]).T # [n_f, n_det, n_det] S_f = np.sqrt(S_f_diag[:, :, None] * S_f_diag[:, None, :]) S_f *= self.rho.get_corrmat(f) if pmat is not None: S_f = np.einsum('ijk,lj,mk', S_f, pmat, pmat) # Invert iS_f = np.linalg.pinv(S_f, rcond=self.rcond) return iS_f def _compute_projector(self, proj): if proj is not None: vecs = proj.get('vectors').copy() if np.ndim(vecs) == 1: vecs = np.array([vecs]) if np.ndim(vecs) != 2: raise ValueError("Projection vectors have wrong shape") # vecs is [nv, nd] nv, nd = vecs.shape if nd != self.ndet: raise ValueError("Projection vectors have wrong shape") # Compute covariance and pseudo-inverse # C = v vT -> [nv, nd] [nd, nv] -> [nv, nv] cov = np.einsum('ij,kj', vecs, vecs) icov = np.linalg.pinv(cov) # P = vT IC v -> [nd, nv] [nv, nv] [nv, nd] -> [nd, nd] pmat = np.einsum('ik,ij,jl', vecs, icov, vecs) if proj.get('deproject'): pmat = np.eye(nd) - pmat else: pmat = None return pmat def _precompute_skyvec(self, theta, phi): # Computes cos and sin for theta and phi. theta_use = np.atleast_1d(theta) phi_use = np.atleast_1d(phi) ct = np.cos(theta_use) st = np.sin(theta_use) cp = np.cos(phi_use) sp = np.sin(phi_use) return ct, st, cp, sp def _get_baseline_product(self, t, ct, st, cp, sp, dA, dB): # Computes (x_A - x_B) . \hat{n} as a function # of time. t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) # [3, nt] x_A = dA.get_position(t_use) x_B = dB.get_position(t_use) # [3, npix] nv = np.array([st*cp, st*sp, ct]) # [nt, npix] bprod = np.einsum('ik,il', x_A-x_B, nv) return bprod def _get_antenna_ij(self, i, j, t, f, ct, st, cp, sp, pol=False, inc_baseline=True): # Returns antenna pattern for detector pair (i, j). dA = self.dets[i] dB = self.dets[j] t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = np.atleast_1d(f) # [3, npix] ll = np.array([sp, -cp, np.zeros_like(sp)]) # [3, npix] mm = np.array([cp*ct, sp*ct, -st]) # [3, npix] nn = np.array([st*cp, st*sp, ct]) # e_+ [3, 3, npix] e_p = (ll[:, None, ...]*ll[None, :, ...] - mm[:, None, ...]*mm[None, :, ...]) # e_x [3, 3, npix] e_x = (ll[:, None, ...]*mm[None, :, ...] + mm[:, None, ...]*ll[None, :, ...]) # [nt, nf, npix] tr_Ap, tr_Ax = dA.get_Fp(t_use, f_use, e_p, e_x, nn) tr_Bp, tr_Bx = dB.get_Fp(t_use, f_use, e_p, e_x, nn) def tr_prod(tr1, tr2): return tr1 * np.conj(tr2) # Antenna patterns prefac = 5/(8*np.pi) if pol: g = prefac*np.array([tr_prod(tr_Ap, tr_Bp) + tr_prod(tr_Ax, tr_Bx), # I tr_prod(tr_Ap, tr_Bp) - tr_prod(tr_Ax, tr_Bx), # Q tr_prod(tr_Ap, tr_Bx) + tr_prod(tr_Ax, tr_Bp), # U 1j*(tr_prod(tr_Ap, tr_Bx) - tr_prod(tr_Ax, tr_Bp))]) # V else: g = prefac*(tr_prod(tr_Ap, tr_Bp) + tr_prod(tr_Ax, tr_Bx)) if inc_baseline: # [nt, npix] bn = self._get_baseline_product(t_use, ct, st, cp, sp, dA, dB) # [nt, nf, npix] phase = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi * f_use[None, :, None] * bn[:, None, :] / self.clight) if pol: g = g * phase[None, ...] else: g = g * phase return g
[docs] def get_antenna(self, i, j, t, f, theta, phi, pol=False, inc_baseline=True): """ Returns antenna pattern for a detector pair as a function of time, frequency and sky position. Args: i: index of first detector j: index of second detector t: array of `N_t` times (in s). f: array of `N_f` times (in Hz). theta: array of `N_pix` colatitude values (in radians). phi: array of `N_pix` azimuth values (in radians). pol (bool): compute all polarized components? (default: False). inc_baseline: include baseline-related phase. Otherwise only the :math:`\\gamma` overlap function in Eq. 22 of the companion paper will be returned. (default: True). """ ct, st, cp, sp = self._precompute_skyvec(theta, phi) return np.squeeze(self._get_antenna_ij(i, j, t, f, ct, st, cp, sp, pol=pol, inc_baseline=inc_baseline))
def _plot_antenna(self, t, f, n_theta=100, n_phi=100, i=0, j=0): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_phi) theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_theta) phi, theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) antenna = self.get_antenna(i, j, t, f, theta.flatten(), phi.flatten(), inc_baseline=False) antenna = np.abs(antenna.reshape([n_theta, n_phi])) x = antenna * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = antenna * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) z = antenna * np.cos(phi) gmax, gmin = antenna.max(), antenna.min() fcolors = (antenna - gmin)/(gmax - gmin) fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.)) # noqa ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_title(" " ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.seismic(fcolors)) # noqa ax.set_axis_off()
[docs] def get_Ninv_t(self, t, f, nside, is_fspacing_log=False, no_autos=False, deltaOmega_norm=True, proj=None): """ Computes inverse noise variance map for a set of timeframes integrated over frequency. Args: t: array of `N_t` time values (in s). f: array of frequency values that will be integrated over. nside: HEALPix resolution parameter. is_fspacing_log: if `True`, `f` is log-spaced (linearly-spaced otherwise). (Default: `False`). no_autos (bool, or array_like): if a single `True` value, all detector auto-correlations will be removed. If a 1D array, only the auto-correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. If a 2D array, all autos and cross- correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. deltaOmega_norm: if `True`, the quantity being mapped is :math:`\\delta\\Omega = (\\Omega/\\bar{\\Omega}-1)/4\\pi`. Otherwise the :math:`4\\pi` factor is omitted. (Default: `True`). proj (dictionary or `None`): if you want to project the data onto a set of linear combinations of the detectors, pass the linear coefficients of those here. `proj` should be a dictionary with two items: 'vectors' containing a 2D array (or a single vector) with the linear coefficients as rows and 'deproj'. If 'deproj' is `True`, then those linear combinations will actually be projeted out. If `proj` is `None`, then no projection or de-projection will happen. Returns: array_like: array of shape `[N_t, N_pix]` containing the inverse noise variance map sampled at the `N_pix` pixel positions corresponding to the input HEALPix resolution parameter (in RING ordering). """ if np.ndim(no_autos) == 0: no_autos = np.array([no_autos] * self.ndet) else: if len(no_autos) != self.ndet: raise ValueError("No autos should have %d elements" % self.ndet) if np.ndim(no_autos) == 1: no_autos = np.diag(no_autos) no_autos = np.array(no_autos) pmat = self._compute_projector(proj) t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = f if is_fspacing_log: dlf = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(f))) df = f * dlf else: df = np.mean(np.diff(f)) * np.ones(len(f)) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) th, ph = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix)) ct, st, cp, sp = self._precompute_skyvec(th, ph) # Get S matrix: iS_f = self._get_iS_f(f_use, pmat) # Get all maps antennas = np.zeros([self.ndet, self.ndet, len(t_use), len(f_use), npix], dtype=np.cdouble) for i1 in range(self.ndet): for i2 in range(i1, self.ndet): a12 = self._get_antenna_ij(i1, i2, t_use, f_use, ct, st, cp, sp, inc_baseline=True) antennas[i1, i2, :, :, :] = a12 if i2 != i1: antennas[i2, i1, :, :, :] = np.conj(a12) if pmat is not None: antennas = np.einsum('ijmno,ki,lj', antennas, pmat, pmat) # Prefactors e_f = (f_use / self.f_pivot)**self.specin_omega / self.norm_pivot prefac = 0.5 * (2 * e_f / 5)**2 if deltaOmega_norm: prefac *= (4*np.pi)**2 # Loop over detectors inoivar = np.zeros([len(t_use), npix]) for iA in range(self.ndet): for iB in range(self.ndet): iS_AB = iS_f[:, iA, iB] for iC in range(self.ndet): gBC = antennas[iB, iC, :, :, :] if iB == iC and no_autos[iB, iC]: continue for iD in range(self.ndet): iS_CD = iS_f[:, iC, iD] gDA = antennas[iD, iA, :, :, :] if iA == iD and no_autos[iA, iD]: continue ff = df*prefac*iS_AB*iS_CD inoivar += np.sum(ff[None, :, None] * np.real(gBC * gDA), axis=1) return np.squeeze(inoivar)
[docs] def get_pi_curve(self, t, f, nside, is_fspacing_log=False, no_autos=False, beta_range=[-10, 10], nsigma=1, proj=None): """ Computes the power-law-integrated (PI) sensitivity curve for this network (see arXiv:1310.5300). Args: t (float or array_like): `N_t` time values (in s). If a single number is passed, then the "rigid network" approximation is used, and this time is interpreted as the total observing time. Otherwise, an integral over time is performed. f: array of `N_f` frequency values (in Hz). This will be the frequencies at which the PI curve will be sampled, and also the frequencies used for numerical integration. nside: HEALPix resolution parameter. Used to create maps of the antenna pattern and computes its sky average. no_autos (bool, or array_like): if a single `True` value, all detector auto-correlations will be removed. If a 1D array, only the auto-correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. If a 2D array, all autos and cross- correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. beta_range: a list containing the range of power law indices for which the PI curve will be computed. nsigma: S/N of the PI curve (default: 1-sigma). proj (dictionary or `None`): if you want to project the data onto a set of linear combinations of the detectors, pass the linear coefficients of those here. `proj` should be a dictionary with two items: 'vectors' containing a 2D array (or a single vector) with the linear coefficients as rows and 'deproj'. If 'deproj' is `True`, then those linear combinations will actually be projeted out. If `proj` is `None`, then no projection or de-projection will happen. Returns: array_like: array of size `N_f`. """ t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = f if is_fspacing_log: dlf = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(f))) df = f * dlf else: df = np.mean(np.diff(f)) * np.ones(len(f)) inv_dsig2_dnu_dt = self.get_dsigm2_dnu_t(t_use, f_use, nside, no_autos=no_autos, proj=proj) # Sum over time if len(t_use) == 1: inv_dsig2_dnu = np.squeeze(inv_dsig2_dnu_dt * t) else: dt = np.mean(np.diff(t_use)) inv_dsig2_dnu = np.sum(inv_dsig2_dnu_dt, axis=0) * dt def _om(beta): # Sum over frequencies plaw = (f_use/self.f_pivot)**beta snm2 = np.sum(inv_dsig2_dnu * plaw**2 * df) return nsigma * plaw / np.sqrt(snm2) betas = np.linspace(beta_range[0], beta_range[1], 100) oms = np.array([_om(b) for b in betas]) pi = np.max(oms, axis=0) return pi
[docs] def get_dsigm2_dnu_t(self, t, f, nside, no_autos=False, proj=None): """ Computes :math:`d\\sigma^{-2}/df\\,dt` for a set of frequencies and times. Args: t: array of `N_t` time values (in s). f: array of `N_f` frequency values (in Hz). nside: HEALPix resolution parameter. Used to create maps of the antenna pattern and computes its sky average. no_autos (bool, or array_like): if a single `True` value, all detector auto-correlations will be removed. If a 1D array, only the auto-correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. If a 2D array, all autos and cross- correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. proj (dictionary or `None`): if you want to project the data onto a set of linear combinations of the detectors, pass the linear coefficients of those here. `proj` should be a dictionary with two items: 'vectors' containing a 2D array (or a single vector) with the linear coefficients as rows and 'deproj'. If 'deproj' is `True`, then those linear combinations will actually be projeted out. If `proj` is `None`, then no projection or de-projection will happen. Returns: array_like: array of shape `[N_t, N_f]`. """ if np.ndim(no_autos) == 0: no_autos = np.array([no_autos] * self.ndet) else: if len(no_autos) != self.ndet: raise ValueError("No autos should have %d elements" % self.ndet) if np.ndim(no_autos) == 1: no_autos = np.diag(no_autos) no_autos = np.array(no_autos) pmat = self._compute_projector(proj) t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = f npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pix_area = 4*np.pi/npix th, ph = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix)) ct, st, cp, sp = self._precompute_skyvec(th, ph) # Get S matrix: iS_f = self._get_iS_f(f_use, pmat) # Get all maps gammas = np.zeros([self.ndet, self.ndet, len(t_use), len(f_use)], dtype=np.cdouble) for i1 in range(self.ndet): for i2 in range(i1, self.ndet): a12 = self._get_antenna_ij(i1, i2, t_use, f_use, ct, st, cp, sp, inc_baseline=True) # Sky integral ia12 = np.sum(a12, axis=-1) * pix_area gammas[i1, i2, :, :] = ia12 if i2 != i1: gammas[i2, i1, :, :] = np.conj(ia12) if pmat is not None: gammas = np.einsum('ijmn,ki,lj', gammas, pmat, pmat) # Translation between Omega and I e_f = (self.f_pivot / f_use)**3 / self.norm_pivot # Prefactors prefac = 0.5 * (2 * e_f / 5)**2 # Loop over detectors inoivar = np.zeros([len(t_use), len(f_use)]) for iA in range(self.ndet): for iB in range(self.ndet): iS_AB = iS_f[:, iA, iB] for iC in range(self.ndet): rBC = gammas[iB, iC, :, :] if iB == iC and no_autos[iB, iC]: continue for iD in range(self.ndet): iS_CD = iS_f[:, iC, iD] rDA = gammas[iD, iA, :, :] if iA == iD and no_autos[iA, iD]: continue ff = prefac*iS_AB*iS_CD inoivar += ff[None, :] * np.real(rBC * rDA) return np.squeeze(inoivar)
[docs] def get_N_ell(self, t, f, nside, is_fspacing_log=False, no_autos=False, deltaOmega_norm=True, proj=None): """ Computes :math:`N_\\ell` for this network. Args: t (float or array_like): `N_t` time values (in s). If a single number is passed, then the "rigid network" approximation is used, and this time is interpreted as the total observing time. Otherwise, an integral over time is performed. f: array of `N_f` frequency values (in Hz). nside: HEALPix resolution parameter used to compute spherical harmonic transforms. is_fspacing_log: if `True`, `f` is log-spaced (linearly-spaced otherwise). (Default: `False`). no_autos (bool, or array_like): if a single `True` value, all detector auto-correlations will be removed. If a 1D array, only the auto-correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. If a 2D array, all autos and cross- correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. deltaOmega_norm: if `True`, the quantity being mapped is :math:`\\delta\\Omega = (\\Omega/\\bar{\\Omega}-1)/4\\pi`. Otherwise the :math:`4\\pi` factor is omitted. (Default: `True`). proj (dictionary or `None`): if you want to project the data onto a set of linear combinations of the detectors, pass the linear coefficients of those here. `proj` should be a dictionary with two items: 'vectors' containing a 2D array (or a single vector) with the linear coefficients as rows and 'deproj'. If 'deproj' is `True`, then those linear combinations will actually be projeted out. If `proj` is `None`, then no projection or de-projection will happen. Returns: array_like: array of size `N_l = 3 * nside` containing the noise power spectrum. """ t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = np.atleast_1d(f) if is_fspacing_log: dlf = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(f))) df = f * dlf else: df = np.mean(np.diff(f)) * np.ones(len(f)) gls = self.get_G_ell(t_use, f_use, nside, no_autos=no_autos, deltaOmega_norm=deltaOmega_norm, proj=proj) # Sum over frequencies gls = np.sum(gls * df[:, None, None], axis=0) # Sum over times if len(t_use) == 1: gls = np.squeeze(gls * t) else: dt = np.mean(np.diff(t_use)) gls = np.sum(gls, axis=0) * dt return 1/gls
[docs] def get_G_ell(self, t, f, nside, no_autos=False, deltaOmega_norm=True, proj=None): """ Computes :math:`G_\\ell` in Eq. 37 of the companion paper. Args: t: array of `N_t` time values (in s). f: array of `N_f` frequency values (in Hz). nside: HEALPix resolution parameter used to compute spherical harmonic transforms. no_autos (bool, or array_like): if a single `True` value, all detector auto-correlations will be removed. If a 1D array, only the auto-correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. If a 2D array, all autos and cross- correlations for which the array element is `True` will be removed. deltaOmega_norm: if `True`, the quantity being mapped is :math:`\\delta\\Omega = (\\Omega/\\bar{\\Omega}-1)/4\\pi`. Otherwise the :math:`4\\pi` factor is omitted. (Default: `True`). proj (dictionary or `None`): if you want to project the data onto a set of linear combinations of the detectors, pass the linear coefficients of those here. `proj` should be a dictionary with two items: 'vectors' containing a 2D array (or a single vector) with the linear coefficients as rows and 'deproj'. If 'deproj' is `True`, then those linear combinations will actually be projeted out. If `proj` is `None`, then no projection or de-projection will happen. Returns: array_like: array of shape `[N_f, N_t, N_l]`, where `N_l = 3 * nside`, containing :math:`G_\\ell` at each frequency and time. """ if np.ndim(no_autos) == 0: no_autos = np.array([no_autos] * self.ndet) else: if len(no_autos) != self.ndet: raise ValueError("No autos should have %d elements" % self.ndet) if np.ndim(no_autos) == 1: no_autos = np.diag(no_autos) no_autos = np.array(no_autos) pmat = self._compute_projector(proj) t_use = np.atleast_1d(t) f_use = np.atleast_1d(f) nf = len(f_use) nt = len(t_use) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) nalm = (3*nside*(3*nside+1))//2 nell = 3*nside th, ph = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix)) ct, st, cp, sp = self._precompute_skyvec(th, ph) # Get S matrix: iS_f = self._get_iS_f(f_use, pmat) # Get antenna alms aalms_r = np.zeros([self.ndet, self.ndet, nt, nf, nalm], dtype=np.cdouble) aalms_i = np.zeros([self.ndet, self.ndet, nt, nf, nalm], dtype=np.cdouble) for i1 in range(self.ndet): for i2 in range(i1, self.ndet): if no_autos[i1, i2]: continue antenna = self._get_antenna_ij(i1, i2, t_use, f_use, ct, st, cp, sp, inc_baseline=True) for i_t in range(nt): for i_f in range(nf): a = antenna[i_t, i_f, :] alm_r = hp.map2alm(np.real(a)) alm_i = hp.map2alm(np.imag(a)) aalms_r[i1, i2, i_t, i_f, :] = alm_r aalms_i[i1, i2, i_t, i_f, :] = alm_i if i2 != i1: aalms_r[i2, i1, i_t, i_f, :] = alm_r aalms_i[i2, i1, i_t, i_f, :] = -alm_i if pmat is not None: aalms_r = np.einsum('ijmno,ki,lj', aalms_r, pmat, pmat) aalms_i = np.einsum('ijmno,ki,lj', aalms_i, pmat, pmat) # Prefactors e_f = (f_use / self.f_pivot)**self.specin_omega / self.norm_pivot prefac = 0.5 * (2 * e_f / 5)**2 if deltaOmega_norm: prefac *= (4*np.pi)**2 gls = np.zeros([nf, nt, nell]) for i_t in range(nt): for i_f in range(nf): for iA in range(self.ndet): for iB in range(self.ndet): iS_AB = iS_f[i_f, iA, iB] for iC in range(self.ndet): gBCr = aalms_r[iB, iC, i_t, i_f, :] gBCi = aalms_i[iB, iC, i_t, i_f, :] if no_autos[iB, iC]: continue for iD in range(self.ndet): iS_CD = iS_f[i_f, iC, iD] gADr = aalms_r[iA, iD, i_t, i_f, :] gADi = aalms_i[iA, iD, i_t, i_f, :] if no_autos[iA, iD]: continue clr = hp.alm2cl(gBCr, gADr) cli = hp.alm2cl(gBCi, gADi) gls[i_f, i_t, :] += iS_AB * iS_CD * (clr + cli) gls = gls * prefac[:, None, None] if np.ndim(f) == 0: gls = np.squeeze(gls, axis=0) if np.ndim(t) == 0: gls = np.squeeze(gls, axis=0) else: if np.ndim(t) == 0: gls = np.squeeze(gls, axis=1) return gls